Ausable Township



The current Zoning Ordinance for AuSable Township, Iosco County, Michigan is available as a downloadable .PDF file using the below button. We also have several Zoning Maps available for download as well. Please note that these files (especially the Zoning Ordinance) are somewhat large and may take some time to download to your computer.

Permits – The Superintendent is responsible for code enforcement within the township.  Violation notices are served each month for failure to draw permits for activities that Township ordinance require.  Fees for these permits are generally $25.00, whereas fines can range from $50.00 to $500.00 and could in some cases result in criminal or civil prosecution.  If you are not sure if you need a permit or not, feel free to call or stop in the township.   Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Ord No. 04 Junk Dealers

Ord No. 05 Hunting & Firearms

Ord No. 06 Liquor Control

Ord No. 08 Used Car Lots

Ord No. 12 Hunting Area Control

Ord No. 13 Safe Use of Waters

Ord No. 15 Snowmobiles

Ord No.16 Unsafe Buildings

Ord No. 21 State Construction Code Act 

Ord No. 24 Cross Connect

Ord No. 25 Auctioneers

Ord No. 26 Outdoor Gathering

Ord No. 27 Disorderly Conduct 

Ord No. 28 Solicitation

Ord No. 29 Create & Establish Historical Commission

Ord No. 31  Noise 

Ord No. 35 Control Unauthorized Persons on School Property

Ord No. 36 Litter

Ord No. 37 Auctioneers

Ord No. 41 Weed and Grass Control

Ord No. 42 Sewer Rules and Regs

Ord No. 45 Swim and Dive Bridges and Boat Launch Ramps

Ord No. 47 Forest Road Connect Charge

Ord No. 53 Danger Dwellings

Ord No. 60 Camping 

Ord No. 63 Basic Cable TV Rate Regulation 

Ord No. 64 MI Cons Gas Co Fran

Ord No.70 Est Connect Charge for          
AuSable-Oscoda Industrial Park Sanitary Sewer

Ord No. 72 Consumers Energy Co Electric Franchise

Ord No. 73 Land Division

Ord No. 76 Water for AuSable Point Rd Project 

Ord No. 83 Water Amendment 

Ord No. 84 Sewer Rates

Ord No. 85 Group Insurance    

Ord No. 86 Cable Franchise with Charter Communications  

Ord No. 87 Pension Plan     

Ord No. 89 Ordinance Enforcement Officer Establish 

Ord No. 90 Cash deposit as security payment of water-sewer

Ord No. 93 Nuisance Abatement

Ord No. 94 Property Maintenance

Ord No. 96 ORV

Ord No. 97 Burning Outdoor and Open

Ord No. 98 Civil Infractions 

Ord No. 99 Blight 

Ord No. 100 Junk Vehicle 

Ord No. 101 Regulate the Disposal of Garbage and Rubbish

Ord No. 102 Parks Regulations

Ord No. 103 Dumpster Days Operation and Use

Ord No. 106 Revised Fee Schedule     

Ord No. 108 Amended Floodplain Ordinance      

Ord No. 109 Ground Water Contamination      

Ord No. 112 Water Sewer Lien Ordinance

Ord No. 113 Medical Marihuana Facilities


Ord No. 116 Fireworks

Ord No. 117 Recreational Marihuana Opt Out

Ord No. 118  Vacant Property Registration

Ord No. 119 AuSable Township Recreational Marihuana

Ord No. 120 Sewer Ord. Amendment 2020

Ord No. 121 Wireless Communications

Ord No. 122 Zoning Recreational Marihuana

Ord No. 123 Bond Ordinance

Ord No. 124 Recreational Marihuana

Ord N. 125 Security Deposit for Water Services Amendment

Ord N. 126 Regulation of Marihuana Amendment

Ord N. 127 Utility Trailers

Ord N. 128 Zoning Amendment

Ord N. 129 Floodplain Management

Ord N. 130 Daycare Ordinance

Ord N. 131 Sanitary System Amendment

Ord N. 133 Blight Ordinance

Ord N. 134 Home Occupations

Ord N. 135 Trailers on Vacant Lots

Ord N. 138 Amended Security Deposit Increase